Sioux Falls, South DakotaJoined 7 years ago

17 Lamborghinis

Kenting, TaiwanPosted 7 years ago

Yearly get together in Taiwan for this Lamborghini group.



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BRIAN HELMBRECHTSioux Falls, South Dakota
7 years ago

Wow Awesomeness

Kristen StengelSioux Falls, South Dakota
7 years ago


Sean CoffmanSioux Falls, South Dakota
7 years ago

Sweet!! Cool to see so many lined up all in one place!!

Brian BroekemeierSioux Falls, South Dakota
7 years ago

This is awesome! I lived in Kaoshung for a summer and we took a long weekend in Kenting. Miss it. I would also love to drive one of those in Kenting.